Why is my water heater leaking?  

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  • Hot Water System

Have you just noticed that your water heater system is leaking but have no idea why?  

Your water system is used day in and day out to warm the water for your house. Therefore, there is no surprise that over time it will experience some wear and tear. A water heater leak may cause you to worry however not all water leaks are catastrophic. The most common reasons for a water heater leak includes a faulty connection between the cold and hot water, loose gaskets, damaged drain valve and corrosion located inside of the tank. That means that some of your water tank issues can be solved by simply tightening or upgrading your water tank.  

Here are a few common reasons for a leaking water tank:  

1. Connection Malfunction 

If you have noticed that the leak is coming from the cold water supply or one of the hot water pipes, you may be able to simply fix the issue with a wrench. Depending on what your water heater lines are made out of, the connection should just be able to be tightened similar to a garden hose for flex pipes. However, if your water heater pipes are made of copper you will require a professional to help.  

2. Loosened Gasket  

Have you noticed that your water leak comes from outside your electric water heater? This could mean that a loose gasket is the issue. To investigate whether this is the cause of the leak, you will need to initially turn off the power supply. You will then need to remove the hatch covers from the outside in order to reach the gaskets. If upon inspection you do notice a leak, this may be a bigger job. In order to replace the gasket, you will need to drain the entire water tank and remove any electrical components. You may want to get help from a professional for this one!  

3. Damaged Drain Valve 

Have you noticed that the water is pooling at the base of your water heater? You may have initially assumed that it was your water tank that was leaking. However, this may not be the case! A damaged heater drain valve may be the cause, which can cause puddles to form around the base of your water heater. To fix this you will need to flush the water tank and clean any built-up debris that may have developed over time. However, if you notice that the water still continues to pool, you may need to replace the drain valve. This is another thing that you should definitely contact a professional for.  

4. Damaged Water Tank 

Unfortunately, in the worst-case scenario, you may discover that your water tank itself is damaged and beyond repair. This may be due to sediment build-up and erosion that occurs over time. Therefore this may require you to invest in a new water heater unit. This may be a costly reminder that you need to stay up to date with the maintenance of your water heater to prolong the life of your heater.  

Not sure who to contact? QLD Coastal Plumbing can help!